How can you help
To make this work, we need your help. Whether you are a volunteer to help out at the cafe, a local business who can donate food, or even someone who can spare a few pound to donate to us so we can save up an get something bigger. Without your help we can’t get help people.

Donating Food.
Are you a local business in the food trade? If so, you could help this project by donating a small amount of food each week that we can store and combine to make meals for people who need them. This food is typically the end of day food that you would normally throw away. For example, if a butcher spared a 1lb of mince a week and we froze this until we had sufficient to make a meal, then a green grocer donated some potatoes and another shop donated some other veg, we would have enough to feed 15 to 20 people, all through donations.
You may think that your donation will not make a difference, but small donations from multiple places will make a big difference.
Can you spare a day a week or more to help out at ‘Fed Up’? in return we will offer a great friendly environment where you will enjoy and have fun. Also, if you have the time, we will train you in the food industry, whether you want to be a chef, or you want to work in the front of house environment, we have the expertise to help you. This will, in turn, get you the experience and confidence to apply for hospitality jobs in and around the area. To inquire about volunteering with us please visit our contact page

Donate Money
Not everyone is needing our service or has the food donations needed to run our café, or even the time to volunteer. But if you can spare a little money, no matter how small the amount, we can then save up for something we need.
As well as our amazing volunteers, we have received and are receiving invaluable help and donations from a number of businesses in Stranraer. So Far, these include:
General Public donations, Barsolus Produce, DGHP, John Gillespie & Sons, Landos, Loreburn Housing, Morrisons, Simpsons Bakery, Stranraer Fresh Meats, Stranraer & Wigtownshire Free Press, Tesco and W.M Fraser Butcher